Monday, June 18, 2012

Energy Saving Solutions on Viewpoints with Terry Bradshaw

What did your electric bill look like last month? Was it higher than normal? Or was it average for this time of year? Many people experience a jump in the bill when summer heat bears down on their home. The Viewpoints with Terry  Bradshaw television program offers a series that will explore ways to lessen your electric bill. There are some very simple ways to keep your energy use down while still maintaining a comfort level everyone can live with. The educational TV show features guests who share their knowledge on the topic with the audience.

Terry Bradshaw, former pro ball player, is the host and narrator. The former Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback was instrumental in helping guide the professional football team to four Super Bowl victories. His superb skill and talent on the grid iron was acknowledged by receiving the Most Valuable Player twice and getting inducted into the Hall of Fame. Bradshaw retired in 1983 but continues to work in the sport as a reporter, commentator and analyst for more than 20 years. He is one of America’s most respected sports celebrities and a spokesperson for Nutrisystem.

 The Viewpoints Terry Bradshaw television show explores a variety of topics that affect the lives we live. It films on location in the US and Canada and airs on regional and national business related cable networks. More information about the show is available at

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